If your project is ready to print, let's get started.
Use one of our forms to send us your informaton, send us your files, and even to get an instant quote. Use one of the Quote forms and to get instant pricing for your project
Zip Print & Copy has been serving the Columbus area, The Ohio State University, universities across the country as well as businesses and individuals for over 30 years. Zip Print & Copy's parent corporation, The Educational Publisher Inc. also offers services through the imprints Biblio Publishing and Zip Publishing.
The Book Factoryis our new shop solely focused on book printing, binding, and publishing services for businesses, organizations, schools and individuals. Our book factory focuses on quality and fast service, and we offer prices that are usually much less than the prices charged by the national brands.
Visit our new Book Factory website
You can also visit these related companies through the following links:
Biblio Publishing
The Biblio Bookstore
When it comes to publishing a book, one of the biggest decisions you’ll need to make is how and where to get it printed and how much it will cost. (Read More)
Zip Print is one of the largest book producers in the Central Ohio area. We offer digital printing and perfect bound (paperback). Saddle stitch, coil, & comb binding on site, and offset printing through a partner vendor (Read More)
Writing The Book Using AI? No one would suggest that Artificial Intelligence be used to write a complete book. The better uses of AI in the writing process are in the areas of research and the setup of the outline for a story or nonfiction book. (Read More)
There are a variety of book binding options including Perfect Bound(paperback), Saddle stitch, Coil bound, and comb bound. Here is a discussion of the various types of book binding. (Read More)
Use one of our forms to send us your informaton, send us your files, and even to get an instant quote. Use one of the Quote forms and to get instant pricing for your project
Calculate a quote for a book printing project and submit your project specifications and book files Instant Book Print Quote
Calculate a quote for a print project(non-book)and submit your project specifications and files Instant Print Project Quote
Submit a Project Form Without Pricing Project Form Submission
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Zip Print offers a wide variety of printing services.Here are a few of our main offerings.
Zip Print prints and binds books for authors, businesses and organizations in the Grandview Heights, and greater Columbus, Ohio areas, as well as nationally. We offer discount prices for bulk and long-run book print jobs.
Read MoreZip Print prints menus, promotional pieces, and other printed items for restaurants, bars and events. We can print your projects quickly, with high quality, and at great prices.
We can serve youFrom time to time a business or organization will determine that it is either cheaper, or more efficient to have a profesional printer produce items that are used internally or to promote the business. We can do that.
Build Your BusinessWe've been creating materials for universites since the mid 1960's. From The Ohio State University, to many universities across the country, we've create custom course materials, textbooks, handouts and more.
Learn MoreBusinesses and Organizations often need promotional items and functional materials for events. Conventions, promotional events and internal events require printed and promo items and Zip Print can help provide these items either through in-house production or partnerships with other vendors.
Make The Most Of Your EventsMost people don't have the equipment, or the expertise to create printed items that look professional. If you need something that you can't print on your desktop printer, contact us. We'll make you printing look special.
Print items for YouZip Print & Copy can print your booklets, magazines, catalogs, Graphic Novels and similar items in full color high resolution on a variety of papers. They can be saddle stitched or perfect bound, and can be trimmed to create a professional looking product. We offer discont pricing for large quantity printing.
Print a Periodical?Zip Print's sister company Biblio Publishing offers the most up-to-date digital creation and publication of books and eBooks as well as republication and reprint of out of print books.
Visit the Biblio Publishing website If you have questions about how we can help you accomplish your project goals,
use this form to send them to us.
TV news anchor/reporter. Co-host of the talk show "What Matters with Mindy & Mikaela" on 610 WTVN in Columbus, Ohio.
"They are EASY to work with, helpful when seeking advice and reliable. I wanted my third book, Dear Mom, available for Mother’s Day…It was going to be a QUICK turnaround but Bob and Fran MADE IT HAPPEN! They have become friends through the process and I trust them wholeheartedly."
Author children's books: Future Miss President, Teddy Only Want Spaghetti, Bella Loves Her Umbrella, Gracie's Grace
"I have consistently been VERY pleased with the products and services I have ordered and received from Zip Print & Copy!! Exceptional, high-quality, kind and efficient service, as well as excellent print products! Highly Recommended!"
Editor Columbus Free Press, political author and writer, Co-chair of the Ohio Green Party, candidate.
"We have used their just-on-time printing for many years and they've always been able to deliver for us in a very timely and efficient manner. It is a pleasure dealing with Zip as they are very friendly and definitely make you feel like we're all working together as a team."
Author, The Crossover That Won the Game, Bentley's Revenge, 8 Ounces of Water for 8 Ounces of Magic, Filmmaker
"Needing a Publisher I picked up the phone book looking for a print shop to print a few books. What I found was a great print shop. The attitudes are pleasant and the quality of work impeccable. What a wonderful company! If you need a great publisher I highly recommend Zip Print/Biblio Publishing."
Author, I Am A Woman Of Value, I Am A Woman Of Worth, I Am His! and The Lord is My Strength: 7 Steps of How I Stayed Positive Through Cancer Treatments
"I am thankful to Zip Print and Copy/Biblio Publishing who played a part of my being able to have one of my dreams come to fruition...the publishing of my first book! In fact, I did my first book signing at their business."
Author of the Vinyl Dialogues series, reporter, editor, and columnist for nearly 40 years at newspapers in Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
"They've always provided me with reliable, comprehensive and personal service, and guidance on the best ways to market and sell my books."
Here are a few questions regarding projects and their execution that Zip Print is regularly asked.
Zip Print features two methods of instantly calculating costs for your print projects:
Use this form to calculate costs for book printing
Click Here
Use this form to calculate costs for most other types of print projects
Click Here
Zip Print offers discounts for jobs of 100 or more copies. This rule applies for everything from fliers to books. And, the higher the quantity the larger the discount. Use these forms to enter your project specs and the form will calculate your pricing with the discount:
Use this form to calculate costs for book printing
Click Here
Use this form to calculate costs for most other types of print projects
Click Here
Most print projects require the production of a proof for review by the person or organization in charge of the project. The proof can usually be produced in a matter of days. Once the proof has been reviewed, it can be adjusted, replaced or OK'd for printing. Once Zip has been given confirmation to proceed, most projects take only a few days until completion.
Zip Print can print many items, but we do specialize in certain areas such as book products and similar items. For information about other products we can produce, visit our various Services through the navigation at the top of each page. Note that Zip can also produce items that are not part of our in-house services using vendors with whom we have relationships.
Files for printed items should be uploaded in Acrobat PDF file format. All files/images should be saved as high resolution files in either Greyscale or CMYK coloration. Image files may also be submitted in high resolution JPEG or TIFF formats.