Zip Print Book Form Spec Facts

The Zip Book Print Quote Calculator offers a form submission tool that the user can use to create and send a book printing order with the advantage that it offers an instant quote for the print project. The following article offers information regarding the best practices for choosing specs for book creation on the form found here:


The 4 P’s: Preparing, Printing, Publishing, and Promoting Your Book-Part 2

The Book Publishing and Promotion Process   The blurb and synopsis Book printing and publishing are very important aspects of the writing process. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced writer, having a quality printed book that is ready to be sold is a must. While the design of the cover, page layout, and production quality of a book can all make a difference, an important component of book publishing is the writing of the blurb and synopsis. The blurb is a short description of your book, allowing potential readers to get a quick overview of the book. It